First year students from the UBC MD Undergraduate program have just started their Flexible Enhanced Learning program, a series of courses that offers undergraduate medical students opportunities to pursue a spectrum of scholarly activities.
Here is a first look at the team pursuing the Nepal Sickle Cell Project with the Global Health Initiative. Learn more about the various international projects offered by the Global Health Initiative at UBC Global Health Initiative!
“On our first day in Dang, we were warmly welcomed by the Creating Possibilities staff at Unako House. Although we have only known the CP staff for a few days, they already feel like family. Unako House is a community space that provides opportunities to empower and educate women that were previously in bonded labour. Over the past couple of days, our team has been visiting local schools to deliver educational modules about Sickle Cell Disease in order to increase awareness and screening of this disease which affects many Tharu people in this region.”
– @ubcsicklecell