Travel Awards & Funding

Global Health Travel Award

Awards totalling $2,500 have been endowed to provide financial support to one or more fourth-year MD undergraduate students to offset the travel costs of participation in a global health elective. Recipients will demonstrate a commitment to global health across the four years of the MD undergraduate program and must participate in an elective site where there is mutual benefit for the student and the host community. Applications must include a CV and a personal letter describing the applicants’ global health involvement and reasons for selecting the elective site. Awards will be made on the recommendation of the Director, Division of Global Health (Dept. of Family Practice) selection committee. (Award only open to UBC Year 4 Medical Students)

Please direct any questions to:

Please alert Dr. Videsh Kapoor if you are submitting an application.

Please submit your application documents to via the Qualtrics survey (link to be added once the next round of applications is open)

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