Global Health Initiative: Pre-departure training workshop, March 17, 2012

The second annual GHI Pre-departure Training Workshop will be held on March 17, 2012.  This interactive full-day workshop aims to prepare students participating in global health projects and electives for safe and responsible travel.  A series of interactive modules will challenge students to discuss issues of cultural competency, professionalism, and ethical engagement in low resource communities.  The event is mandatory for all medical students participating in summer global health projects or electives and is open to students from all disciplines.

Keynote address by Jonathan Smith.

Biography:  Jonathan Smith filmed, edited, and directed the film They Go to Die. He is a lec­turer in Global Health and Epi­demi­ol­ogy of Micro­bial Dis­eases at Yale Uni­ver­sity and an affil­i­ate of the Yale Global Health Lead­er­ship Insti­tute, where he researches epi­demi­ol­ogy of TB and HIV in the con­text of migrant pop­u­lations. For his exten­sive work at as an ethno­graphic researcher and for cre­ativ­ity in the field of global health, he was awarded the Yale Global Health Lead­er­ship Insti­tute Field Expe­ri­ence Award (2010), the dis­tin­guished Low­ell S. Levin Award for Excel­lence in Global Health from Yale Uni­ver­sity (2011), and the Inter­na­tional Tuber­cu­lo­sis Sur­vival Prize from the Lilly MDR-TB Part­ner­ship (2011). Since he began research­ing the issue, he has been invited to speak on the inter­sec­tion of TB, HIV, and human rights at uni­ver­si­ties both domes­ti­cally and internationally.

Date:  March 17, 2012

Time:  8 am – 3 pm

Location:  MSAC (map) – videoconferenced to distributed Medical school sites

*Laptop computer required for participation

Food and refreshments provided.

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