Global Health Curriculum Resource: An Online Resource for Flexible Learning in Global Health



The Clinical Global Health Network (CGHN) at UBC has recently been awarded a Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) for their proposal to develop a flexible online curriculum resource for global health. This project aims to provide a comprehensive and flexible online resource for global health education, which can be used by many disciplines to support individual learning or curricular global health activities.

The Global Health Flexible Online Curriculum Resource project is an inter-disciplinary initiative to bring together inputs from faculty experts, community partners and students/residents. Existing global health materials and courses from numerous source institutions will be synthesized into a comprehensive and easy-to-use web-format curriculum. New materials will be developed to mitigate identified gaps in existing resources. Content will be updated annually to ensure reliability, consistency and relevance of the resource. Evaluation by learners and by faculty will inform improvements in scope and quality of the resource. It is anticipated that this resource will provide educators with a carefully curated collection of internally- and externally-developed modules in global health. Educators will be able to select and adapt (if desired) the modules best suited to their teaching needs and to the level of their students.

The duration of project development is expected to be from May 1, 2015 to April 30, 2016. The rollout and evaluation phase will be between May 1, 2016 and December 31, 2016.

Stay with us for more updates on the progress.

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