Outside of UBC

McGill University

The McGill Humanitarian Studies Initiative (HSI) is an exciting, multi-disciplinary program that will train resident-physicians and fellows who have had some previous experience in international health and/or in humanitarian response to disaster and refugee crises.

Yale University

Yale’s Unite for Sight Global Health University hosts several online global health certificate programs.

Lumbreras Tropical Medicine Course (Peru)

Cayetano Heredia University is offering a four week clinical experience at the Institute of Tropical Medicine Alexander von Humboldt in Lima, Peru (all lectures are given in English). In the past four years, more than 80 students from medical schools in the US, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, Finland and Australia have participated in the course.

Clinical Setting
Peru has an unusually wide spectrum of tropical diseases including leishmaniasis, malaria, dengue, yellow fever, bartonellosis, brucellosis, typhoid fever, cyclosporidiasis, HTLV-1, cysticercosis, leprosy, echinococcosis, viral hepatitis, anthrax, fasciolasis, diphylobotriasis, paracoccidioidomycosis, strongyloidiasis, and free-living amebiasis.


  • To develop skills for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious and tropical diseases, including bacterial, mycobacterial, parasitic, and viral infections, as well as accidents caused by poisonous animals.
  • To integrate the knowledge in epidemiology, clinical, parasitology, microbiology and pathology issues to manage infectious and tropical diseases.

Entry requirement: Third or fourth year-medical students

For full information and application visithttp://www.upch.edu.pe/tropicales/capacita/rotac_clini.htm and click on ‘Lumbreras Tropical Medicine Course for Medical Students’.

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