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MSF Doctors Without Borders Events

You are invited to attend the following MSF Doctors Without Borders Events: MSF Doctors Without Borders Pre-event for World TB Day to raise awareness on TB; MSF Doctors Without Borders Recruitment Information event; Free screening of the award-winning documentary Fire in the Blood followed by discussion by expats

GHI Workshop: International Nutrition, March 11, 2014

The next GHI workshop will be an introduction to “International Nutrition” with Judy Mclean and Crystal Karakochuk.

Crystal Karakochuk is a Registered Dietitian with over 10 years of experience in clinical pediatrics, community based nutrition programming and international nutrition. She has worked internationally with the UN World Food Programme (Rwanda, Malawi, Ethiopia, Italy HQ) and UNICEF (Timor-Leste). Her research interests include food and nutrition programming to reduce maternal and child undernutrition, infant and young child feeding, and micronutrients.

Zimbabwe Roots

Zimbabwe Roots

Post #5: Nothing Clinical This Trip……..Right! The trip is over. Our int…

Tropical and Geographic Medicine Course, UBC, May 5-9, 2014

Tropical and Geographic Medicine Course, UBC, May 5-9, 2014

The UBC Faculty of Medicine and School of Population and Public Health are thrilled t…

GHI Workshop: Does Aid Work?, Dr. Michael Seear, February 5, 2014

Dr. Seear will be addressing one of the biggest questions facing aid at any level – does all that work achieve any measurable benefit? The discussion will include issues such as sustainability and outcome measurement.

Dr. Michael Seear first studied medicine at University of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). He was subsequently a district health officer at a remote rural hospital. In 1982 he moved to Canada and took postgraduate training in Pediatrics at Vancouver and then further fellowship training in Toronto in respirology and intensive care.