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GHI Workshop: Asset Mapping – Conducting Community Assessments, January 26th

On January 26th, Dr. Farah Shroff, PhD, will be sharing about her international health experiences, with a focus on community asset mapping. She will speak about why community assessments are necessary, how to engage community members in addressing health issues, and how to develop culturally appropriate interventions and future sustainable projects. Afterwards, we will discuss some specific global health cases related to these ideas.

Peruvian Amazon elective: Family Practice Resident blog

Peruvian Amazon elective: Family Practice Resident blog

Happy new year to you all! As many of you know i’m spending January learning and working in a small hospital in the Peruvian jungle, in Santa Clotilde. I’ve been here a few days now and i’ll try to send semi-regular updates. I landed in Lima on Dec 28 and spent the night in Lima with Padre Moe, chatting and learning about the history of the health centre.

Through the Eyes of a Refugee:  Bhutanese Refugee Art Exhibit

Through the Eyes of a Refugee: Bhutanese Refugee Art Exhibit

6-9 pm January 21, 2012, MSAC building, 2750 Heather St Vancouver. Through the Eyes of a Refugee is a PhotoVoice project with Bhutanese
refugees that began during the summer of 2011. The idea grew out of
the Bridge Clinic in Vancouver where primary care is provided for
refugees and refugee claimants in Vancouver. There is a paucity of
literature regarding the determinants of health of the refugee
population in Canada.