Dear Friend of Unite For Sight,
We warmly invite you to attend the Social Entrepreneurship Institute on Friday, December 6, 2013, at the Shubert Theater in New Haven, Connecticut. Presented by Unite For Sight, the Social Entrepreneurship Institute provides mentoring, guidance, and successful strategies for participants to apply to their work in global health, social entrepreneurship, and international development. In addition to unique interactive sessions by leaders in global health and social entrepreneurship, the Institute also includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner networking receptions with the speakers. Space is limited, and we encourage early registration. We are also offering a very reduced early bird registration rate through the end of August.Confirmed Social Entrepreneurship Institute speakers thus far include:
- Keynote Address by Ned Breslin, CEO, Water For People
- “Global Health 2.0: Creating Health Care Systems in the World’s Most Impossible Places,” Mark Arnoldy, Executive Director, Nyaya Health
- “Launching a Tech Startup with a Social Mission,” Jen Chiou, Executive Director, Crisis Text Line
- Sophie Faris, Community Development, B Lab
- Will Harris, Designer, Design that Matters
- “Leveraging the Marketplace and a For-Profit Model to Maximize Impact,” Rodney North, The Answer Man – Information for the Public and Media, Equal Exchange Coop
- Manoj Sinha, Husk Power Systems
- Salimah Walani, Director, Global Health Programs, March of Dimes
Complete details and the Institute schedule can be seen at http://www.uniteforsight.org/institute/
Unite For Sight