Drawing by Elise Gravel
As Syrian refugees begin to arrive in Canada, several organizations and leaders in refugee care have compiled useful resources for providing care and support to refugees.
Canadian Medical Association – Syrian Refugee Settlement webpage – the right sidebar is a meta-compilation of useful documents on caring for Syrian refugees and includes many of the documents
included on other resources pages (CFPC, Doctors of BC).
The College of Family Physicians of Canada has created a comprehensive resource page on care of refugees:
Refugee Health Care: Resources to Assist Family Physicians
CMAJ Decision: Caring for a newly arrived Syrian refugee family
Kevin Pottie MD MClSc, Christina Greenaway MD MSc, Ghayda Hassan PhD, Charles Hui MD, Laurence J. Kirmayer MD. This Canadian Collaboration for Immigrant and Refugee Health paper includes new evidence from the Middle East and Europe on many diseases relative to the 600,000 Syrian refugees in Europe: TB, Hep C, parasites, etc.
CMAJ Guidelines: Evidence-based clinical guidelines for immigrants and refugees
Pottie, Greenaway, Feightner, Welch et al for the Canadian Collaboration for Immigrant and Refugee Health (CCIRH); CMAJ September 6, 2011)
Early Assessment Considerations for Primary Care Providers – an excellent document developed for Ontario, but useful for BC
Doctors of BC: Caring for Syrian Refugees webpage
UNHCR document on Culture, Context, and the Mental Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing of Syrians